Raising The Perfect Child/Giveaway

Have you ever wonder what it was like for Mary to raise Jesus? How did she deal with the sibling rivalry? Jesus was the perfect child being raised in an imperfect family.

“Mom, why doesn’t Jesus ever get in trouble?”  “You love him more than us!” “Jesus, can You just stop being the good child?” Mary might have heard these on a daily basis. What is a Mom to do?

The only insight that we have is when Jesus was about 12 and the family went to Jerusalem for Passover. It wasn’t until Mary and Joseph had started back home, were about a day away from Jerusalem they realized Jesus wasn’t with them. They sent the rest of the children home with family. Can hear James now, “Finally, Jude, Jesus is going to get it.”

What was the conversation with Mary and Joseph as they walked back to Jerusalem? “I thought he was with you?” “ME? He’s your son I thought you had him.” When the did find Jesus after a three-day search of the city they found him in the temple, Jesus was like why would they look anywhere else but there for him.

The next time we run into Jesus and his family is shortly after he chose his disciples and he healed a man on the Sabbath. James and the others had convinced Mary that Jesus needed and intervention. He had gone off his rockers and needed to go to be check-in at the nut farm before he hurts himself or someone. After all, he was the perfect one and he broke the sabbath law, He had to be losing touch with reality. Their argument must have made sense to Mary because she went with them to get him some help. Only to have him remind her that those who do the will of God, his Father are the ones that are his family. Had she forgotten after all these years why he was here? Did she start to question her own mind? How could she bring her other sons to see who Jesus really was? Did she keep his birth a secret to his brothers too long?

Mary’s heart at that point must have been aching, torn between her children. Was this what Simeon meant about a sword will pierce her heart?


I am so excited today, my good friend Andy Lee has written a book about the different Marys in the Bible titled “A Mary Like Me”. She is so graciously giving a signed copy to one of my followers. Just leave a comment and you will be entered into the drawing. The winner will be announced on Good Friday at the end of Andy’s post on Mary Magdalene. 

Linked up with A Candid Gospel Link Up, and Apron & Pearls Link Up.



Published by Bonnie Sue Writes

I'm a writer, editor, and publisher. I love serving the LORD by writing.

18 thoughts on “Raising The Perfect Child/Giveaway

  1. Many times have a wondered about what Jesus was like as a child. Not so much about Mary’s perspective, but it seems really interesting. To know that your child is son of God, yet raising your child. Profound thought! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It must have been challenging being the mother of Jesus, a child who had wisdom beyond his years and knew from infancy where he was headed in life. But if Mary could do it, so can we because she didn’t do it in her own power, it was all by grace. I like her graciousness in handling what someone in the flesh would have labelled as his curtness as described in the post. We can do the same, praise God! Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for your insights on Jesus as a sibling…I would love to win the book “A Mary Like Me” I hope you have a very Blessed Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

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